Thursday, February 26, 2009

Open Source Car?

When everything in the hardware and software are going open source, can a complete automobile go open source too? At this year's Geneva Auto show the EDAG is testing the idea with their new "Light-Car - Open Source" concept.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Safari 4 Beta

New and improve with 150 new feature on the new Safari 4 web browser. If you are venture enough to use beta software you can try this new public beta and get lighting fast page load especially on Javascript base website. It also looks like the new Safari also borrow some of the concept from Google open source browser Chome which are also based on the open source WebKit project. Both Top Site and History Search feature is very nicely done in MacOSX style. Safari 4 also support the new HTML 5 stander with aloud web application to be stored offline. Which Google has demoed at Mobile World Congress this month with the new google mail running offline on the iPhone. As I have said on my last post that we can expect Apple to focus heavily on software to keep consumer looking at the Apple conner.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

2009 the year of software for Mac.

As the years move on to Feb. no new major Mac hardware has been announced in Macworld or the Mac 25th anniversary. I think with the slow economy and low consumer spending Apple might be focusing on their software offering to help keep the company in a heathy and positive growth. A matter of fact it is Apple software effort that really make a different between a Window PC and the Mac PC. Also, a great software will not just keep Mac user happy it will also can make a PC user switch. So if you happen to leave in a city that has an Apple retail store, look for some important changes this year that the Apple retail store will focus more on software and that will also hold true to iPhone. If you're looking for an all new redesign iMac in 2009 I don't think it will happen, but I'm sure Apple will upgrade the Mac line to stay competitive. I think the biggest improvement in the Mac will surely be in OSX 10.6.x.